Wednesday, November 26, 2014

R.O.M & Pre Wedding (part 1)

On the 22nd November 2014, which was a beautiful Saturday when we had our Register Of Marriage (R.O.M) at the Penang Chinese Hall, Georgetown, Penang.

5:45AM : Set alarm to wake up at 5:30am, as having appointment with the make-up artist at Kampung Baru at 6:30am. This is before the make-up been done.

Test pre-wedding dress as well as testing new camera lens.

Bouquet wedding flower sponsor by Lavieflo (

The beauty queen with the lovely smile

Thanks to Lavieflo ( again for the lovely bouquet.

Just can't resist such lovely flower from Lavieflo (

Say "cheese"

Lovely dress?

One last one before we depart...Show me your L.O.V.E~!

6:30AM : Arrived at the FACTO make-up studio located at Kampung Baru, just beside the Subway. (

Get ready for the make-up, feeling anxious about how she is going to look after the "transformation"

Please make her look like Angelina Jolie.

Getting started on her face.

While waiting for her make-up, walk around the shop and snap some pictures.
Beside than make-up, they have manicure and pedicure also.

The magic brush tools from make-up "si-fu"

1st stage : Make-up on skin.

Let the professional do her work.

Found the rainbow color office make-up powder. Is it call make-up powder or what? Not sure though haha..

Found our appointment on the schedule. So efficient this shop.

1st stage of make-up transformation..Not bad hmmm..

Feeling little sleepy already.

2nd stage : Hair do.

Spray some "ridsect"..hehe..

Got some Santorini feel?

7:40AM : Finally done the make-up and hair do.
Feeling so happy and satisfied with the make-up artist work. Job well done!

9:30AM : Reach the Penang Chinese Hall, Georgetown, Penang.
While waiting for our family and friends to arrive, take some selfie first.

This one is better   =)

"I want nobody nobody but you"

Right in front door of the Penang Chinese Hall.

Where is the rest of them? Are they here yet?

Inside the elevator asking "Do you bring the wedding ring?"

Feeling nervous as haven't memorize the oath's script.

While waiting for our turn to be called into the room. Our number is 6. Suppose we were the 6th pair of the R.O.M for today.

"Have you memorize the script?"

"No need memorize lar, just say "I Do" as in the movie"

"Feeling too nervous, I think I stomach ache now!"

"Remember, small one is mine, big one is yours, later don't wear wrong ring"

Make sure the wedding band is inside the box.

Showing off the wedding band and the flower.

The time when some friends walking in. 

10:15AM : No.6 is called and we walked into the room. Then we were given the Marriage Certificate and asked us to verify our names and identity.

Try to be serious as this is serious matter.

The lady said to us "Why so serious, relax la you both, I'm not gonna eat u.."

Backstage setting where we are allowed to take pictures here.

Gee Keinn is the one who hold my camera. Perfect shot and focus on both of us.

"Before we begin, let me brief you about today procedures.."

"Marriage is a serious matter and you have to make sure you commit to each other from now on..."

We raised our hand and wanted to say the oath, but the lady stopped us
Lady : "Wait, wait, not so hurry..You still haven't ask your gf whether she's willing to marry you or not"
Husband : "Sorry too nervous and I've assume that she's my wife already"

Lady : "So look into her eyes and ask your golden question LOUD and CLEAR so that everybody can hear"
Husband : "PC Yong, are you willing to be my wife?"
Of course the answer is...
Wife : "Yes, I do"

Now taking oath part.
Lady : "Read out LOUD and CLEAR and both have to be synchronized, understood?"

Lady : "Come on, read it slowly and don't be nervous"

Next, proceed with the signature part.

"Each one of you please sign three copies of the marriage certificate"

"Congratulations, hereby I pronounced you Husband and Wife"

"This is your Chinese Marriage Cert"

"Please exchange your rings now"

Wife : "Why my ring so big one? You sure you take the correct ring?"
Husband : "Eh, sorry, sorry, that's wrong ring, supposed to be mine.."

Lady : "Wear it slowly so that people can take picture of you both"

Now you may kiss your bride. Muaks muakss.

From Phei Wen's iPhone capture moment of taking oath. Luckily there is English version.

After signing the paper we are officially Husband and Wife.

"Hmmm..this ring should be the right one"

Try to tell Wife not to be nervous, but Husband himself is the one who is more nervous.

Try to act serious for a moment.

"You may kiss your bride"

Photo session at the backstage.

10:30AM : Finally its over and it took about 20 minutes. It was fun after all. Feeling relieve.

Group photo with Gee Keinn and his gf, and with Eu Jin.

Photo with Ms. Lin Wei and her bf, Jothi.

2nd brother showed up even though he was very busy!

Group photo with all the couples
Gallen, Sharon, PC, Will, Isaac, Gwen, Lin Wei, Jothi

Only girls session 1.

Only girls session 2.

After 1 left for "gotong-royong" activity by her company.

Guys session time.

Camera took over by Isaac, the professional street photographer of the day!

Photo taken at St. George's Church right beside the Chinese Hall.

Random street just opposite the road of the Chinese Hall.

Standard Chartered bank at Beach Street.

Modern Hotel right above the World Optic.

Its long and winding road and our life is going to be longer than this Penang Bridge.

Rabbit raise one ear.

Rabbit raised two ears. Alarm saying that I'm hungry already..Hehe..

5:30PM : This is the last shot of the be continued~!


  1. Whao.. Perfect!
    I Like it so much & the captions as well.
    So sweet and so warm.
    I can feel the love.. Haha
    May both of your love, grow to each other day by day...

  2. Lovely love photos Mr & Mrs William! We are so glad (ecstatic and over the moon) that you love the little bouquet gift from us! May the both of you enjoy a lifetime of happiness and love!
